Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) and the UCPRPO Prioritization Process Information
Governor McCrory and the N.C. Department of Transportation are committed to improving the quality of life for citizens in North Carolina. Together, we want to find more efficient ways to better connect all North Carolinians - to jobs, health care, education and recreational experiences. The Strategic Transportation Investments bill (HB817), which was signed into law on June 26, 2013, will help make that possible by better leveraging existing funds to enhance the state’s infrastructure, providing greater opportunity for economic growth.
One of the core duties of any RPO or MPO is the identification and prioritization of projects for consideration in the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The State's TIP document is a summary of the transportation projects across all modes that are either underway, in the project development process, or planned for implementation in the next 10 years.
Here you will find information about how the UCPRPO is implementing the prioritization process. This site will be updated during the process with vital information so book mark this page for future reference.
For more information about Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) visit NCDOT's sites:
A brief presentation of the STI Prioritization Process may be downloaded here: Prioritization and Programming Process UCPRPO.pdf
STI P7.0 Process has begun:
The Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization (UCPRPO) is now evaluating transportation needs within its planning jurisdiction. Staff is currently meeting with members and compiling a list of potential projects to submit into the STI P7 process. The deadline for the UCPRPO to submit projects is by September 30, 2023. The public is invited to all TCC and TAC members and/or to provide project recommendations.
The UCPRPO TAC will be finalizing the STI P7 Division Points Allocation at it's regular meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 3pm
UCPRPO Draft STI P7 Division Point allocation: P7 UCPRPO Division Points Allocation.pdfUCPRPO STI P7 Regional Project Point allocation: p7 UCPRPO Highway + Non Highway P+C sheet SIGNED 7.18.24.pdfUCPRPO Final Adopted List of P7 Project : UCPRPO STI P7 Local Methodology: DRAFT P7 STI RANKING METHODOLOGY-09132023.pdfNext TCC meeting:
Tuesday, November 7, 2024
Wilson Operation’s Center
1800 Herring Ave.
Wilson, NC
Next TAC meeting:
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Wilson Operation’s Center
1800 Herring Ave.
Wilson, NC
STI P6.0 Process :
The P6.0 process was halted by NCDOT and was not completed. No local input points were allocated.
The Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization (UCPRPO) is now evaluating transportation needs within its planning jurisdiction. Staff is currently meeting with members and compiling a list of potential projects to submit into the STI P6 process. The deadline for the UCPRPO to submit projects has been extended with no final date. The public is invited to all TCC and TAC members and/or to provide project recommendations.
Proposed STI P6.0 UCPRPO Local Methodology: DRAFT STI RANKING METHODOLOGY-05212021.pdf
UCPRPO Adopted STI P6.0 Project List:
Our next meetings are scheudled for:
TCC meeting:
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Wilson Operation’s Center
1800 Herring Ave.
Wilson, NC
TAC meeting:
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Wilson Operation’s Center
1800 Herring Ave.
Wilson, NC
Previous SPOT P 5.0 Prioritization information below:
The Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization has adopted their STI P5 Projects.
For Current UCPRPO Projects:
Click here for current UCPRPO STI projects
A brief presentation of the STI P5 Prioritization Process may be downloaded here: Prioritization and Programming Process UCPRPO.pdfADOPTED STI P5 Divisional Points Allocation and computations worksheet:
DRAFT UCPRPO STI P5 Division Points Allocation:
UCPRPO_STI_P5_Division_Proposed_Point_Allocation_DRAFT 101718.pdf
If you would like to provide input into the process please contact:
Upper Coastal Plain Rural Planning Organization
120 W Washington St
Suite 2110
Nashville, NC 27856
jsalmons@ucprpo.orgOr you may attend one of our next TCC or TAC meetings scheduled for:
TCC Meeting - November 6, 2018
11:00am - 12:30pm
Wilson Operation's Center - Training Room
1800 Herring Ave
Wilson, NC 27893
TAC Meeting - November 14, 2018
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Wilson Operation's Center - Training Room
1800 Herring Ave
Wilson, NC 27893
252-296-3341DRAFT UCPRPO STI P5 Division Points Allocation Score Worksheet:
UCPRPO STI 5.0 WORK Region and Division Score Sheet 083118.pdfADOPTED STI P5 Regional Points Allocation and computations worksheet:
STI P5 Region TAC Points Allocation_signed.pdfAdopted P5 Project List:
UCPRPO STI P5 Projects List 0091317.pdfAdopted UCPRPO P5 Local Methodology:
Previous SPOT P 4.0 Prioritization information below:
Previously proposed STI P4 UCPRPO Division Points Allocation: Final Division P4 Point Allocations_DRAFT100516.pdfThe UCPRPO TAC will be meeting on the following date to receive public comments and to prioritize P4.0 STI Division Category Projects for the RPO:
October 26, 2016 - TAC meeting to begin reviewing and prioritizing STI P4 Projects
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Wilson Operation's Center - Training Room
1800 Herring Ave
Wilson, NC 27893
252-296-3341**Divisional STI P4 Points Allocation - October 4, 2016**
TAC adopts SPOT P4.0 Divisional Points Allocations Draft October 4, 2016:
**Regional STI P4 Points Allocation - June 23, 2016**
(June 7, 2016) Proposed UCPRPO P4 Region Point Allocation Documents:
The current draft proposed STI 4.0 Prioritization Methodology may be downloaded here (Public Comments are welcome): Conditional Approved STI RANKING METHODOLOGY-120815.pdf
Click here for an interactive map showing current UCPRPO Projects.
Click here for a .pdf of current SPOT 4 Projects.
The STI P 4.0 Prioritization Schedule which includes public comments is:
Previous SPOT P 3.0 Prioritization information below:
After two public meetings, TCC/TAC project prioritzing, and a 30 day public comment period the TAC adopted the final UCPRPO STI P3 Point Allocation at the joint TCC/TAC meeting held on July 23, 2014. With unanoumous approval by the TAC, there were two modifications made to the prioritizing rankings. These modifications are:
1. At the Division Level, project H090895 was changed to H141891 at the Wilson's Mills Elementary School. H141891 is essentially the same project but is longer to allow for the necessary "tapering" that would be required to add the addtional center turnning lane in front of the school.
2. At the Division Level, project H090895 Noble St in Johnston County was replaced with project H141891 US 70 due to the change in the data score for safety and due to public comments at the public meetings and TCC/TAC member supoort for the project.
The final adopted point allocations may be viewed here:
UCPRPO TAC Member detail ranking computations
Data Scores Released (June 2, 2014 SPOT Release)
Past UCPRPO Projects:
Click here for interactive map of current UCPRPO Prioritization Projects.......
Below are downloadable documents for reference:
UCPRPO STI RANKING METHODOLOGY-2-14-14_Adopted 3-12-14 with resolution.pdf
UCPRPO SPOT 3.0 BALLOT - 5-19-14 - DIVISION BALLOT Final May 14, 2014.pdf
UCPRPO SPOT 3.0 BALLOT - 5-19-14 -STATE and REGION Ballot May 14, 2014.pdf
UCPRPO SPOT 3.0 - 5-19-14 - Aviation BALLOT - 5-14-14.pdf
Additional informational maps:
STI_Project DIVISION Score Analysis 5-1-14.pdf
STI_Project REGION Score Analysis 5-1-14.pdf
STI_Project State Score Analysis_NEW.pdf
STI_Score Analysys_MPO-RPO State Scores_small.pdf
STI_Score State by County Analysis_small.pdf